雅思写作高分语料| 社会生活类: 女性休产假

深圳编辑 2024-03-07 17:48

雅思写作历年大作文真题:In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their babies. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


bond with their newborn与新生儿的关系亲密

establish breastfeeding建立母乳喂养

have long-term health benefits for both mother and child对母亲和孩子都有长期的健康益处

- Allows mothers to bond with their newborn and establish breastfeeding, which can have long-term health benefits for both mother and child.

provides time for physical recovery after childbirth为分娩后的身体恢复提供时间

reduce the risk of postpartum complications 减少产后并发症的风险

promote better mental health促进精神健康

- Provides time for physical recovery after childbirth, reducing the risk of postpartum complications and promoting better mental health.

help to prevent discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace帮助防止在工作场所对孕妇的歧视

promote gender equality促进性别平等

acknowledge the specific needs of women during this life stage认识到妇女在这个人生阶段的特殊需要

- Can help to prevent discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace and promote gender equality by acknowledging the specific needs of women during this life stage.

increase job satisfaction and loyalty提高工作满意度和忠诚度

feel valued and supported by their employers感到受到雇主的重视和支持

during a significant life event在一个重要的人生事件中

- May increase job satisfaction and loyalty, as employees feel valued and supported by their employers during a significant life event.


create financial strain for businesses给企业制造财务压力

especially small ones尤其是小的

cover the cost of hiring temporary staff or overtime for existing employees to cover the workload支付雇佣临时员工或现有员工加班以完成工作量的费用

- May create financial strain for businesses, especially small ones, if they have to cover the cost of hiring temporary staff or overtime for existing employees to cover the workload.

potentially lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from the workplace可能会导致与工作场所的孤立感和脱节感

make it harder to reintegrate after returning from leave让休假回来后更难融入社会

- Can potentially lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from the workplace, making it harder to reintegrate after returning from leave.

limit career advancement opportunities限制职业发展机会

take extended leave休长假

be seen as less committed or less competitive than their male counterparts被认为不像男性同事那样忠诚或缺乏竞争力

- May limit career advancement opportunities, as women who take extended leave may be seen as less committed or less competitive than their male counterparts.

potentially reinforce gender stereotypes可能强化性别刻板印象

are more likely to take leave and therefore less desirable hires更有可能离职,因此不招人待见

- Could potentially reinforce gender stereotypes, with employers assuming that women are more likely to take leave and therefore less desirable hires.

agree that the benefits of this policy outweigh the costs我同意这项政策的利大于弊

particularly when it comes to supporting women's health and well-being特别是在支持妇女健康和福祉方面

promote gender equality促进性别平等

create more family-friendly workplaces创造更多家庭友好型工作场所

Overall, while there are some potential disadvantages to maternity leave, many experts agree that the benefits of this policy outweigh the costs, particularly when it comes to supporting women's health and well-being, promoting gender equality, and creating more family-friendly workplaces.

2023新航道 秋季班班2


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