01 TPO15-23中的语义强调
02 T18L1 Sunspot中的第四题
What was the importance of Schwabe’s observations?
●They determined the age of sunspots.
●They established that sunspots appear in cycles.
●They proved that sunspots were actually on the Sun.
●They showed the reason that sunspots change their shape.
译:(Then in 1843,an astronomer named Heinrich Schwabe made an interesting claim……)But there was evidence that the number of sunspots increased and decreased in a pattern,a pattern that began repeating after ten years.And that was a huge breakthrough.
03 T19L4.3
What does the professor say was an important discovery in linguistics?
A Sanskrit,Greek,and Latin had the same parent language
B Sanskrit,Greek,and Latin borrowed words from each other
C Proto-Indo-European was not a real language
D Most languages have several sister languages
译:These languages had so many similarities that it was concluded that they must have all come from the same source.And talk about important discoveries in linguistics,this was certainly one of them.