Whydoes the author mention/discuss …?
Theauthor mentions/discusses … in order to ______.
Theauthor uses … as an example of_____.
Whatis the purpose of paragraph X?
Whichof the following best describes the relationship between paragraph 2and paragraph 3?
In paragraph 1, the experiment on the fungus Neurospora is mentionedto illustrate
A.the existence of weekly periods of activity as well as daily ones
B.the finding of evidence that organisms have internal clocks
C.the effect of space on the internal clocks of organisms
D.the isolation of one part of an organism's cycle for study
Survival and successful reproduction usually require the activitiesof animals to be coordinated with predictable events around them.Consequently, the timing and rhythms of biological functions mustclosely match periodic events like the solar day, the tides, thelunar cycle, and the seasons. ........... Almost universally,biologists accept the idea that all eukaryotes (a category thatincludes most organisms except bacteria and certain algae) haveinternal clocks. By isolating organisms completely from externalperiodic cues, biologists learned that organisms have internalclocks. For instance, apparently normal daily periods of biologicalactivity were maintained for about a week bythefungus Neurospora when itwas intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues whileorbiting in a space shuttle. The continuation of biological rhythmsin an organism without external cues attests to its having aninternal clock.
题干问的“thefungusNeurospora”出现在本段倒数第二句,这类题通常会把题干中问的detail在文章中highlight出来,定位比较容易。我们定位到的“Forinstance, apparently normal daily periods of biological activity weremaintained for about a week by thefungus Neurospora when itwas intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues whileorbiting in a space shuttle.”这句话中不知道大家有没有注意到开头的“forinstance”,意思是“例如”,也就是说定位句整句话其实就是一个例子(detail)的具体内容,那么根据我们前面说的段落结构规律我们往前找找claim,也就是这个例子的服务对象,前一句是“Byisolating organisms completely from external periodic cues,biologists learned that organisms have internalclocks.”这句话的重点在于learnedthat后面的部分,即:organismshave internal clocks. 眼尖的童鞋马上就发现了B选项(thefinding of evidence that organisms have internalclocks)说的不也就是生物有生物钟的事嘛。现在大家知道了吧,我们只要能找到题目问的detail论证或反驳的claim,这种题也就迎刃而解了!正确答案是B选项。
然而有时候,作者会用不止一个detail来支撑最前面的claim,比如:Claim+detail 1 + detail 2 + detail 3,这时,如果考官把detail3挑出来问你作者写它的目的是什么,显然答案就不是为了支持紧挨着它的前面那句话了,而应该是最前面的那个claim。对此,我们总结出了一个高效的做题步骤,帮助大家高效地找到这个claim:
Why does the author discuss the Great Lakes in paragraph 5?
A、Todemonstrate the extent to which residence times vary from lake tolake
B、Toillustrate how residence times are calculated for specific lakes
C、Toargue that the residence time of a lake increases with area
D、Toemphasize that Lake Tahoe' s residence time is unusually long
Residence times vary enormously. They range from a few days for smalllakes up to several hundred years for large ones; Lake Tahoe, inCalifornia, has a residence time of 700 years. The residence timesfor the Great Lakes of North America,namely, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are,respectively, 190,100,22,2.5, and 6 years. Lake Erie’s is thelowest: although its area is larger than Lake Ontario’s, its volumeis less than one-third as great because it is so shallow-less than 20meters on average.
首先找出题目中的关键词theGreat Lakes,定位到该段第三句;
接着看第三句,发现第三句是具体说五大湖的residencetime,没有概括性的claim,于是往前看一句,发现第二句说的是residencetime的时间长度有好几种,也是detail,最后看到段落句说residencetime 有很大的不同,联系后面几个details,是不是有种焕然大悟的感觉呀?没错第二句和第三句都是具体的details用来论证该段句,这时我们再看看选项,马上我们就找到了句的同义替换A选项!你做对了吗?