

来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2019-12-05 15:04



[Education] [Discuss both views]

Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be useful members for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



主题1 两边不矛盾,并且理应是共同存在的。


主题可以是这样:I believe being a useful member for society and achieving personal goals in life are not incompatible. (不矛盾意味着什么呢?所以需要再补一句让你的主题明确) The fact is that if one accomplishes meaningful life ambitions, this person can be a useful person and contributes to society.


也可以这样:Education is to develop a person's talents and strengths to make him achieve personal ambitions and contribute to society.




I believe being a useful member for society and achieving personal goals in life are not incompatible. The fact is that if one accomplishes meaningful life ambitions, this person can be a useful person and contributes to society.

二段主题句:Successful education should enable an individual to achieve his life goals.

2.1 Education is to help a person discover his strengths, use his advantages, and realize his values. (这个句子是个动词并列)教育应当帮助人发现自己的长处,使用它,并且实现自己的价值。这个很抽象,不好展开,可以举例(也就是论证这个点的细节,是指什么,写得更具体)。For example, if one excels in arts, schools and teachers should have the obligation and capacity to (有义务和能力) provide resources and guidance to develop students' talents...

2.2 Approaching individual goals is a strong motivation to drive him to work hard. That is to say, pushing people to strive for personal goals is better than forcing individuals to do anything they dislike.(就是说,如果教育强迫人去做什么,对人的才能可能是浪费)


三段主题句 (注意三段首句有衔接前面的功能):Meanwhile, encouraging one to endeavor to pursue his personal ambitions means training an individual to be a useful person in society as long as his personal goals are legal because any individuals and roles can contribute to society.

3.1 Any occupations are meaningful to the functioning and development of society. (举例,jobs as small as 咖啡师barista, 或酒保bartender, 或者 waiter, gatekeeper...)

3.2 Furthermore, as mentioned, enabling one to go for personal purposes can unleash one's full potential, which means using human capital to the full from the government perspective. 回应前面,如果一个人限度地发挥自的能力,对政府和社会而言是的资源配置。


主题2 支持前者,主题句:Though helping one achieve personal ambitions is a significant goal of education, one should first know how to be a useful member of society.


(注意段落中心句的 语气“诚然/固然”

比如 Accomplishing personal life goals are certainly one key component of education. 或者 On the one hand, education should have the function of enabling one to realize individual ambitions.

2.1 学习并发挥自己的特长 2.2 找到人生价值



比如:有些人不工作,因为个人目标就是享乐,我不支持这类人;教育首先要让人做对社会有用的人,做有价值的事情。或者很多人赚了很多钱实现了个人财富自由,但影响败坏对社会不利,就不可取 ... earn a substantial amount of money and certainly have achieved personal wealth, status, and reputation goals, but their behaviors and deeds (所做的事) exert negative moral impact on the public 比如一些明星

注:主题2 写法是我一直建议的,在遇到discuss both views的时候,把题目当作 “辩论赛”;二段写对方辩友合理性(对方固然有理),三段写我方更有理。三段盖过二段(三段可以反驳二段)。这样全文自然会有logic flow, 而不是各说各话。而my opinion就是第三段,二段只是先让个步。

不要把 Discuss both views and give your opinion 写成全文三段式的“分裂文章”仍需要满足【全文中心原则】

相关指导:LingheDiscuss both views 你写错了吗zhuanlan.zhihu.com

2. 明星是让慈善事件更受关注还是让慈善变得不重要?

[Celebrity] [Discuss both views]

Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




全文逻辑: 虽然....(对方合理).. (二段) ////但是.. (我方更合理).... (三段)


主题句:Though celebrities' involvement in international charity activities sometimes imposes a negative impact on such events, I believe overall, famous people bring more attention to international issues and make positive contributions.


二段:Some celebrities speak for charity events but do so more for their personal interests.

2.1 A few famous people put on an altruistic and noble image (无私而圣洁的形象) on social charity events. However, they may do much less than they claim or promise. 举例,比如有些明星宣称的捐款是假的。Such deeds disappoint public's trust toward international aids and other similar charitable organizations. (这是核心,让观众灰心,不信任等导致“make the problem less important")

2.2 Besides, some people disapprove of superstars' publicizing charity as many regard charitable actions as serious, and it seems improper that stars attach entertaining elements to such important matters.

三段:Though some celebrities deceive (欺骗)the public, I argue generally, famous people are influencing international charities positively by drawing attention to such events, thus encouraging more donations and help from the world.

3.1 明星影响力巨大,比如twitter 转发量(superstars' one remark on Twitter can receive numerous retweets),比如可以带动所有粉丝 (appeal for the action of many fans)

3.2 明星会带动其他明星,让慈善事件受到更大关注,(other renowned people will follow celebrities who have donated as they need to do so for their reputation) 于是 there can be larger media coverage and public attention.注意全文的让步点在于:我承认有时有的明星带来了不好影响,但整体是好的。

3. 现代社会是让人更互相依赖还是更独立?

[Life][Discuss both views]

Some people think that in this modern world people are getting dependent on each other, while others think the modern world makes people more independent of each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




It seems we connect to and rely on each other more in modern society where there are convenient communication tools, shared resources, and fast information. (这句是对方的合理性) However, I believe individuals are essentially more independent than the past.

二段:People are getting dependent on others in some aspects.

2.1 工作,合作 thanks to technology that enables instant and distant communication)

2.2 依赖各种共享的资源,比如researchers easily learn from others' work; students study through shared resources from all over the world; even when traveling, people can use other's vacant apartments (可以强调下,我们 rely on a network of knowledge and information offered by others)

2.3 太忙,需要各种帮助,比如deliver food to home, baby sitter and cleaning service, (Leading a hectic life, it is hard to imagine we do all daily chores by ourselves)


三段:Despite more connections in the virtual world, I believe modern people are essentially more independent.

3.1 与亲人朋友更远于是需要更独立 There is a vast transformation (change的另一个词= a complete change in modern people's lifestyles, compared to decades ago. As people easily change jobs and relocate their homes, there is less and weaker bonding with families, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, which makes people rely more on themselves.

3.2 人与人之间的关系可能更疏远而少信任 While the Internet connects us, people are also alienated in some ways. There is less trust, and it is harder to request help without reciprocity (互惠)所以遇到很多事,人们会自己解决,不太愿意给予帮助,也不太愿意寻求别人的帮助。

你也可以反过来写。虽然我们变得挺独立的(离开家,换工作独立开始,较少的邻里关系等),但是我们总体其实更互相依赖了(网络让我们随时要获得关注,关注别人,随时沟通,身处信息和新闻中间等等;也让我们无法享受片刻个人宁静,想要被工作需要被同事需要等等)-- 如此可以看出,突然反过来,后面的但是,要写得更powerful。似乎有点难,那么你选择自己真心更认同的那方,就不要挑战自己的思辨。真心认同的那方会更容易写powerful.

先贴一个你需要的积累词汇的办法,如文中出现的难度的词组,高分是一定需要一些的,但是又要恰到好处。希望可以帮到你, 如果有任何想法,或者观点,或者问题,需要一些整体建议或学习方案都可以直接到新航道留言或咨询和老师探讨!



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