1、a multi-cultural city 多元文化的城市
One thing that is good about my hometown, Shanghai, is that it's a very multi-cultural city. 我家乡上海比较好的一点是它很多元化。
2、has a reputation for being friendly 出了名的友好
My hometown has a reputation for being friendly, and it's true, when you're there, people are generally very nice to you, and pretty much anywhere you go, even complete strangers will be nice to you. 我的家乡出了名的友好,真的,你要是去那会发现人们一般都很赞,不论你去哪,可以说是任何地方了,一些完完全全的陌生人都会对你很好。
3、evoke a sense of community 营造社区意识
In order to evoke a sense of community, all apartment towers have semi-public spaces such as sky-gardens and club areas.
4、dynamic 充满生机的adj.
It is a really dynamic, vibrant city. 这是个充满生机的城市。