雅思口语干货分享,关于雅思口语 Part1常考题:Photo高分语料
1、 take a selfie 自拍
"Everybody wants to take a selfie as good as the Kardashians', " says Maggie, a 13-year-old. 13岁的玛吉说每个人都想要像卡戴珊一样有好看的自拍照。
2、 make cameras obsolete/'ɒbsəliːt/让相机被淘汰
Smartphones have made cameras obsolete. 智能手机已经让相机开始被淘汰了。
3、 drop off a cliff 下降很多
The compact camera sales have really sort of dropped off a cliff. 袖珍相机的销售额下降了很多。
4、 take over the camera 替代相机
The smartphone will take over the camera completely. 智能手机将会完全替代相机。
5 、take reasonable quality photos 拍出有质量的照片
She's able to take reasonable quality photos 她可以拍出有质量的照片。
6、 get into photography 对拍照感兴趣
How did you get into photography in the first place?你最初是怎么开始摄影的?
7、 take the next rung up 培养你的技能到一个更高水平
I need to take the next rung up. 我要培养自己的技能到一个更高的水平。